Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Secret Tips Behind Successful Fishing

Fishermen have various tactics. From what baits to use to how to rig them so that it stays on the hook, where to look for that trophy catch, what color lures to use and how etc details vary from fisherman to fisherman. If you ask a seasoned angler, he will only tell you some tips that are helpful in general and all of us have heard already. He will not let the cat out of the bag when it comes to the intricate details. Unless you have a fisherman in the family; father or uncle or grandfather, you really have to learn fishing the hard way.

Did you know that anglers actually glue their bait? Yes, they do. If they are fishing in some area with heavy grass, they dab a little super glue on the hook and then slide the worm upon it. That is the secret of making the worm stay in place and not lose the hook. Then again if you notice that the fish has suddenly stopped biting, but you know they are around, what you can do is downgrade your bait and also change your retrieval speed. So from a seven inches worm you can reduce it to a four inches worm and slow down your presentation as well.

Some anglers also drag their line to the honey hole. Spooling your line off the reel and then dragging it at least 50 yards behind your boat on the way to your spot makes a huge difference if you are working with spinning tackle. Some anglers swear by different color water resistance permanent markers. You can customize your crank baits; add little details with the colored pens, which will benefit hugely. Along with customizing your baits it is also important to tune them. Cast the lure and then reel it back in to see if it comes back straight, Or else with the help of needle nose pliers tweak the eyelets as required.

It happens at times that nothing works for the fish no matter what you try. A secret to this rule is to use grubs- at least that are what some anglers do. The lure being subtle, the fish need not swim as fast to catch it. It works both for bass as well as perch and saltwater species. Another great secret of successful fishing is to let your line fall limp after casting. It is an indication that your bait is at the bottom. Now as you are reeling it back in, lightly shake the rod with your other hand, which mimics a live worm better. Depending on the time of the month different animals hatch in the lake and that is what the fish are keying on. You need to try different stuffs like shad, grubs or frogs and you are sure to catch fish.

A smart way to locate the fish in the fishing spot is to find the food! For example if you spot some blue herons at one place you can be sure that you will also find the fish nearby- as both are looking for the same food. But no matter what it is important to handle the fish with care. Holding the fish at the bottom of the lip is the right way to handle them. Also do not remove its slime- that is what protects the fish from getting diseases. The next time you are out there, use these secret tips and see the difference for yourselves! And if you are looking for some great fishing spots, click here. Good luck and Tight Lines!

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