Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Reasons For Choosing a Minn Kota

For the last 20 odd years fishing has been part of my life.

In that time I have learned a few things about boating and fishing equipment. I also have some opinions and preferences about some equipment. Some of them I think are quite good and others not so good if you know what I mean.

This is especially true when it comes to electric trolling motors. Like everything in life some are good quality and some not so good. There are big differences between the popular makes of motors and below I will try to explain my reasons.

There are only a few manufacturers in the trolling motor industry and regardless of what brand you see on the label it is actually made by one of these few manufacturers.

If you have been looking for a trolling motor then you should know by now that Minn Kota and Motorguide are some of the top names in the industry. Based on my own experience over many years in my humble opinion the Minn Kota is the better manufacturer and listed below are a few reasons why.

Minn Kota has spent a lot of money over the last few years enhancing their design, making it a lot more useful and easier to use. The foot pedal has improved making it easier to use and smoother.

The latest Minn Kota Models are extremely functional making these features great with no fluff.

This is one of the best things I like about the Minn Kota. These motors last for ages and under normal conditions will last much longer than many other makes. Even under extreme conditions and use they outlast the motors of years ago by a long time.

I never really worry about this because as soon as I need my motor it just works, plain and simple.

Minn Kota have stopped making their shafts from steel for nearly a decade instead using a composite material that makes them virtually unbreakable. You no longer have to worry about hitting an obstacle under the water and bending the shaft.

With the shart being made with the composite material when you hit something under the water the shaft will just flex and goes back to its normal position.
This is a no nonsense engineering feat on the side of the Minn Kota R&D team. Not having to worry about bending your shaft means you can concentrate on what you came for, fishing.

This one feature alone should be enough for anyone who is undecided make up their mind. Another feature with the minn kota is the weedless wedge prop which makes it virtually impossible to clog the prop with weeds.

If you are looking for a new trolling motor for your boat then you need look no further because your bound to find one that fits your needs in the Minn Kota range

This news article is brought to you by SAVING MONEY - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Best Polarized Sunglasses For Fishing

When it comes to the act of fishing, any serious fisherman will tell you that wearing polarized sunglasses is a must, especially for anglers who "sight fish" in any way. This would include ultralight trout fishermen, fly fishermen, many bass fishermen, saltwater flats anglers and generally anyone who want to have the ability to see into the water that they are fishing, rather than having to deal with the glare that is produced by the sun refracting off of the water that you are attempting to catch fish in.

The choices when it comes to polarized sunglasses for fishing can be as vast as the options available on a new car, but the fact of the matter is for the serious angler a quality pair of polarized glasses is something that they need to have. The key word in this statement is quality, because every pair of inexpensive ($20 or less) polarized sunglasses that I have ever come in contact with weren't worth the cheap plastic they were manufactured from. The point is that if a little more money is invested into a quality pair of polarized fishing glasses they will not only look and perform well, they will also last for many years of fishing. I know this fact from personal experience, because I followed this advice six years ago and invested $120 in a pair of polarized glasses that I use to this very day every time that I go fishing.

While the best polarized sunglasses for fishing are going to vary from individual to individual depending on his or her favorite species and style of fishing, below I am going to outline a few of the more popular and effective choices available to anglers.

  1. Typhoon Polarized Glasses - Equipped with AquaView Hydrophobic Polarized technology, the lenses in Typhoon Sunglasses are nothing short of amazing. They easily repel water, cancel particle-attracting static and resist oily fingerprints. Typhoon makes quality polarized fishing glasses that are surprisingly affordable as well.

  2. Wiley X Fishing Glasses - Bold styling, the light- and wind-reducing wide temples, tand no-slip rubberized nose grips coupled with virtually unbreakable triloid-nylon frames. Wiley X has many models of quality fishing glasses that will fit right in no matter what style of fishing that you prefer most. While these glasses are a bit more expensive, they are worth every penny and last for a very long time.

  3. Smith Action Optics - Smiths optics polarized glasses are designed from an angler's perspective to provide the finest in performance, fit, comfort and style. Frames utilize the finest in design, materials and workmanship. Smith lenses use our superior Tapered Lens Technology™ for all-day optical comfort and clarity. While these are the most expensive option being outlined here, they are by far some of the highest quality polarized fishing glasses on the market today.

The bottom line is that if you are in the market for the best polarized sunglasses for fishing the best choice could very well be among the aforementioned choices.

This news article is brought to you by FISH OIL FOR BLOOD PRESSURE? - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

River Trout Fishing Techniques

All species of freshwater trout are found in both lakes and rivers, but to me one of these bodies of water stands out above the other when it comes to fishing for trout and that body of water is the river. Fishing for and catching trout in a river or stream (often referred to as river trout fishing) is as enjoyable as fishing gets for me and there is almost nothing else on the planet that I would rather do. To me fishing for trout in rivers, especially the kind of rivers that can be waded, is an almost a spiritual experience.

Over the past twenty plus years I have engaged in this type of trout fishing in rivers and streams from Pennsylvania to Montana and in that time have learned many tips and tricks that enable me to catch trout virtually every time that I head out onto the river. Below, I will outline a few of my favorite tips an tricks so that you can start using them and experiencing more when you head out onto the river in search of trout as well.

The First Tip is to always make sure that you are on the river at the most productive times of the day. So, how in the world do you determine the best time of the day to be on the river (other than of course the well known rule of the morning and the evening)? Simple, you familiarize yourself with the simple ways in which the moon impacts trout fishing. Specifically, you want to know what phase the moon is in and also what time of the day that the moon rises and sets on the day or days that you intend to go fishing. These factors have an incredible impact on the feeding behavior of trout, so planning your fishing trips to coincide with a full or new moon and the rising and or setting of the moon will help to increase your catch rates dramatically.

The Second Tip is to have an effective way to carry your bait while on the river. Why is this important you ask? Because by having your bait readily available and easily accessible when river trout fishing will save you a ton of time baiting up and re-baiting, which means that you will spend more time with your bait in the in the water where the trout are, rather than out of the water while you look for your bait. Depending on how many hours you put in of the river, this can add an extra forty minutes or more of quality fishing time to your day, which means that you will have more of an opportunity to catch trout.

The Final Tips that I have for you is to fish mindfully, which means that you concentrate on every cast, drift, and/or retrieve with 100% of your attention. Try not to think about what you're going to have for dinner, or what you want to do this weekend, just focus on the task at hand, fishing for trout. The more that you can fish mindfully the more you will learn and the more trout you will catch, it's as simple as that. You will also find that doing this will help you to enjoy the act of fishing that much more as well.

The bottom line is that these simple tips are effective and if you implement them into your fishing routine, you will begin to experience more success whenever you are river trout fishing.

This article is brought to you by MATCH.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Top 5 Most Important Things To Do To Avoid Motion Sickness on a Boat While Scuba Diving or Fishing

Failure to preparing the night before is a setting yourself up for fret and frustration while being at sea. This scenario could have been could have been avoided "IF" you take time to prepare.

The following is my short check list of things to manage the night before. (there is a long one)

  • Make Sure You Get a Good Night's Sleep
  • Make Sure to Take the Motion Sickness Pill before you go to bed
  • Make Sure You Eat Breakfast and Take Snacks and Fluids with you
  • Make Sure You Try to Eliminate Your Colon Chamber before going to Sea
  • Make Sure You Take Water, Food, Sunscreen, Sunglasses, Towels and Dry Clothes

Each and every one of the five things are mandatory to insure a safe and secure time aboard a boat at sea no matter the activity whether fishing, scuba diving, sailing, wake boarding or snorkeling.

Make sure you get a good night's sleep.

Being mentally, physically and emotionally fatigued can and does lead to motion sickness. Being well rested allows you to combat the elements with a clear mind and rested body. Alcohol the night before you sail is not recommended because it interrupts sleep patterns and makes one dehydrated. Another motion sickness precursor is dehydration.

Make sure you take any motion sickness medication before you go to bed at night.

You will need to take another dose of Dramamine or Bonine when you eat breakfast. You must take a minimum of two doses to work well. Just like one antibiotic pill doesn't cure an infection. One dose of anti-nausea drugs takes at least two doses spaced apart to work according to plan. If you plan to go on a boat in the afternoon, still eat breakfast with meds, eat lunch with meds too. Never go to sea hungry.

Make sure you eat breakfast in the morning before going to sea.

A common myth about sea travel is, "if I have an empty stomach, I won't have anything to throw up." Having an empty stomach does not prevent motion sickness. In fact it makes the feeling of it worse.

You need fuel in your body to keep warm when you are swimming, snorkeling or scuba diving. Never get close to hypoglycemic or "low blood sugar" while exercising or in or around the ocean.

Make sure you evacuate your colon chamber before going to sea.

Typically, most commercial boat heads (that's what the toilet is called on a boat) are disgustingly dirty and smell like No.1&2. The odor along with the pitching motion and possibly a whiff of engine fumes can and does lead to Motion Sickness. Better to prevent it by managing that in advance. My suggestion is eat breakfast with a strong cup of tea or coffee, which should make your bowels move so you don't have to go while aboard the boat.

Make Sure Take Plenty of Water, Food, Towels, Sunscreen, Sunglasses and Dry Clothes.

If you start to feel woozy it's usually at the end of your trip when you are tired and meds have worn off from your ocean activity. Still try and do these things while underway.

* Stand up; hold onto something with one hand. Sit though if you feel faint.

* Get into the wind and let fresh air hit you in the face and look at the horizon. (or waterline)

* Do not look down. Get back in the water if you are able due to less thrashing effect

* Important that you are upwind of the gasoline/diesel fumes of the boat.

Take at least 2 gallons of water per person per day. Ask anyone who's gone diving with me they can vouch that I take a gallon of water on board, even though dive boats have water, I don't chance that they could run out and often they do with many people on board.

If you follow my rules about preparing the night before you go cruising aboard a sea faring vessel you will thoroughly enjoy your boat ride more and the activity for which you hitched a ride, whether sailing, scuba diving, snorkeling or fishing.

This article is brought to you by DATING.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tricks To Catch More Rainbow Trout

Trout fishing season is underway for the year in most areas and many anglers are interested in how they can have a successful day on the water when they head out in search of rainbow trout. Attempting to catch these beautiful fish certainly couldn't be compared to brain surgery, but there are certain things that can be done to "tip the odds" into your favor when you head out fishing for rainbow trout and below I will list a few of these tricks so that you can catch more rainbow trout this finishing season.

Now you might be wondering where these "tricks" are coming and the answer would be from a person who has spent more than twenty years fishing for and catching rainbow trout in waterways from Pennsylvania to Alaska who currently resides in the heart of trout fishing country, Montana. I don't point this out to brag, but rather to show that all of these tricks are born of real world trout fishing experience all across the United States.

So, let's get down to business, shall we?

  1. Fish At The Best Time Of Day - Everyone knows that the morning and the evening are generally good times of the day to catch fish, but there are other factors such that come in to play to determine when fish are going to be biting. For example, are you familiar with the fact that the moon rise and the moon set are also good times of the day to fish and that the moon rise and set doesn't necessarily correlate with the sun rise and set? Well you need to be aware of this fact, so if you want to catch more rainbow trout you need to familiarize yourself with the moon rise and set and try to plan your outings accordingly.

  2. Rig Your Bait Properly - Whether you are using live bait such as minnows, worms, or grubs or synthetic trout bait such as dough baits and the like if you truly want to catch more rainbow trout you always want to rig your bait in the most natural and realistic manner possible. This means using set ups and hooks that allow you to accomplish this task, rather than single shanked hooks like many "rookie" fishermen tend to use when they are fishing for rainbow trout.

  3. Try Not To Cause A Ruckus - What do I mean by not causing a ruckus? When we fish for rainbow trout (especially when we are fishing for "native" trout or in water that doesn't receive heavy fishing pressure) we want to keep things as "normal" as possible because if the rainbow trout that you are attempting to catch notice that you they are much less apt to bite whatever it is you are using to try to catch them. This means doing things like wading mindfully, not wearing "loud" colors that will make you easily visible to the trout that you are fishing for, and freeing your hands of any unnatural human scents that might be present before touching the bait of lure that you intend to use. The bottom line is that you want to be as "invisible" as possible to the trout that you are fishing for while you are fishing for them.

These simple tricks have enabled me to catch more rainbow trout over the years and I am confident that they will do the same for you, so add one or all of them to your trout fishing arsenal today.

This news article is brought to you by MUSIC - where latest news are our top priority.

A New Way to Enjoy Fishing

If you are someone who enjoys spending time in the lakes and rivers, you may want to try your hand at fishing. It is a great way for you to relax and enjoy nature while you are trying to catch a few fish for the day. Now this isn't the type of activity you can expect to keep you busy for just a few hours, in order to be successful and make a good catch, sometimes you have to spend the majority of your day on the dock or a boat.

Now don't think that since you are stuck in one place that you can't have fun. Fishing is one of the most relaxing sports around. It is also one of the most popular sports in America. You can meditate and become with nature while you are enjoying the weather.

Depending on whether or not you are looking for just a hobby or a way to past the time, fishing can be the perfect activity for you to bond with your friends and family. Even young children get a thrill out of being able to catch fish. There are minimal distractions and practically anyone can learn how to do it because it is so easy. So if you are looking for a way for you and your family to spend the day, a trip to the docks or on a boat would be great.

Now if you are new to this particular hobby, there are a few things you may want to know, so you will have the best experience possible. You must make sure that everyone is safe at all times. If you decide to bring little ones with you, make sure you have someone who can keep an eye strictly on them. Children are very curious and you don't want anything to happen to them while you are fishing.

Make sure everyone dresses appropriately. Life vests should be worn at all times. Boots or shoes that are made specifically for people who fish should be worn. These shoes are slip resistant to help prevent freak accidents from happening. If you or someone intends on using fishing hooks, be extra carefully to prevent injuries. Pay attention at all times to your surroundings and everyone at all times.

You may think that since you have to pay so much attention to what is going on, that you won't be able to relax and enjoy yourself. You couldn't be more wrong. Once you have gotten the hang of being in that type of atmosphere and more comfortable about how you can set your rods and bait up, you will find that there is ample time for you to relax and enjoy your company.

If you want a more adventure like setting, you can always take a look at some of the charter tours that are available in your area. They are also offered in many other locations so if you are on vacation, you can also add one onto the itinerary.

This article is brought to you by ONLINE DATING.

Secret Tips Behind Successful Fishing

Fishermen have various tactics. From what baits to use to how to rig them so that it stays on the hook, where to look for that trophy catch, what color lures to use and how etc details vary from fisherman to fisherman. If you ask a seasoned angler, he will only tell you some tips that are helpful in general and all of us have heard already. He will not let the cat out of the bag when it comes to the intricate details. Unless you have a fisherman in the family; father or uncle or grandfather, you really have to learn fishing the hard way.

Did you know that anglers actually glue their bait? Yes, they do. If they are fishing in some area with heavy grass, they dab a little super glue on the hook and then slide the worm upon it. That is the secret of making the worm stay in place and not lose the hook. Then again if you notice that the fish has suddenly stopped biting, but you know they are around, what you can do is downgrade your bait and also change your retrieval speed. So from a seven inches worm you can reduce it to a four inches worm and slow down your presentation as well.

Some anglers also drag their line to the honey hole. Spooling your line off the reel and then dragging it at least 50 yards behind your boat on the way to your spot makes a huge difference if you are working with spinning tackle. Some anglers swear by different color water resistance permanent markers. You can customize your crank baits; add little details with the colored pens, which will benefit hugely. Along with customizing your baits it is also important to tune them. Cast the lure and then reel it back in to see if it comes back straight, Or else with the help of needle nose pliers tweak the eyelets as required.

It happens at times that nothing works for the fish no matter what you try. A secret to this rule is to use grubs- at least that are what some anglers do. The lure being subtle, the fish need not swim as fast to catch it. It works both for bass as well as perch and saltwater species. Another great secret of successful fishing is to let your line fall limp after casting. It is an indication that your bait is at the bottom. Now as you are reeling it back in, lightly shake the rod with your other hand, which mimics a live worm better. Depending on the time of the month different animals hatch in the lake and that is what the fish are keying on. You need to try different stuffs like shad, grubs or frogs and you are sure to catch fish.

A smart way to locate the fish in the fishing spot is to find the food! For example if you spot some blue herons at one place you can be sure that you will also find the fish nearby- as both are looking for the same food. But no matter what it is important to handle the fish with care. Holding the fish at the bottom of the lip is the right way to handle them. Also do not remove its slime- that is what protects the fish from getting diseases. The next time you are out there, use these secret tips and see the difference for yourselves! And if you are looking for some great fishing spots, click here. Good luck and Tight Lines!

This article is brought to you by DATE.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Choose Branded Fly Fishing Rods of High Quality

The major tourist destinations across the world offer a wide variety of water-based activities for the visitors. Fly fishing is one of the activities that have gained immense popularity among tourists. You would love the fun and excitement that this endeavour offers. Many people also pursue fishing as a serious art. There is a lot of planning and research that goes on behind the selection of the perfect fly fishing rods. Hobbyists might not be aware that there are a wide variety of rods available in the market. You must take into account the rod action, the intended use, materials, weight and length of the rod, etc before choosing to buy one for your adventure.

There are various emerging European companies selling rods and reels of the differing qualities. Among the many advantages of purchasing these branded products are the variety, quality and durability. You do not need to dig deep into your finances to pay for these exquisite materials. The length of the rod is a factor that influences your overall fishing experience. Originally, the rods were shorter than the ones in contemporary use today. These were preferred and used by fishermen as it offers great convenience. But these had many disadvantages which led to the adoption of modern designs. The handcrafted collections excel in both, performance and value. Many amateurs are not very comfortable with the longer fly fishing rods as there is always a chance of getting stuck. The longer rods are more suitable for use in a wide open space, rather than in swamps and small rivers

Experts are of the opinion that the materials used have an indelible impact on the rod's action. You must choose the fly fishing rods only after considering your skill level and fishing type. Fiberglass and graphite are the materials which are popularly used. Beginners usually prefer graphite rods as it is lighter, strong and easier to handle. The light weight of the rods would facilitate quicker actions and better control. However, rods enabling faster action demand expertise to achieve accuracy. The rods facilitating fast action, medium action or slow action can be bought from providers in the market. The fiberglass fishing rods demand regular maintenance which is a stark contrast to the more sturdy and durable graphite rods.

Most individuals fail to take into account the flies that they are planning to present as bait to the fishes. The size of the flies would also depend to a great extent on the average size of the rods that you would need to choose. Taking into account even the minute features of the rods would help you to gain better control during the venture. You might not need to use much of your strength if you are using the right fly fishing rods. It is advisable to choose the fly fishing reels and rods from reliable providers. The best dealers in the market would ensure that their products come in velvet cloth bags for rod identification. Choose the ideal rods to enhance the experience and comfort and head to the nearest fishing spot of your choice.

This article is brought to you by FREE DATING SITES.

How To Catch Rainbow Trout Virtually Every Time You Go Fishing

If you are a trout fisherman, what is the one thing that you want to do more than any other? Catch trout, right? Well, in this article I will draw upon 50 years of combined trout fishing experience, and outline a few "secrets" that will enable you to catch trout virtually every time that you go fishing. These tips and tricks have been learned in two ways. First some of them were learned from a man who has since passed away, but was the best trout fisherman that I've ever known. Second, from my own experience spin fishing for trout for the last twenty five or so years.

In any case, all of these secrets are extremely simple and effective and will help you learn how to catch rainbow trout virtually any time that you go fishing. The first secret is to be on the water when the trout are the most active. This is because when the trout are active they are more likely to be feeding, and doesn't it stand to reason that if the trout are actively feeding you will be more likely to catch them? Of course it does.

While there are many reasons why a fish may or may not be feeding, one of the simplest reasons to pay attention to has to do with the moon. Both the moon rise and set as well as what phase that the moon is in both play huge roles in whether or not the trout are going to be active. So the first thing that you need to do a simple internet search to determine the time of the day for the moon rise and set for the day you are planning on going trout fishing. Then you want to try to coordinate your trout fishing trips within the four day window that surrounds either the new or full phase of the moon. When you can be on the water fishing for trout when both of these factors are in your favor you will be able to catch trout virtually anytime that you go fishing.

The second secret is to utilize live worms by "drift fishing" with them in rivers that contain rainbow trout. Drift fishing is a technique whereby you allow a live worm to "drift" naturally with the current of the river that you are fishing. Rainbow trout have a very difficult time resisting a live worm that is drifting by them in the current of a river. "Drift fishing" with a live worm as bait is another factor that will help you to catch rainbow trout virtually anytime that you head out onto the water.

Which brings us to the final key, which has to do with you the angler. Rainbow trout, especially when you are dealing with 'native' trout rather than trout that have been 'stocked', have very keen senses and are very aware of their surroundings. This means that when we are fishing for rainbow trout you want to make yourself as "invisible" as possible. This means that you don't want to wear loud colors or make a lot of noise in and around the water (especially if you are wading) and whenever you "bait up" (which means anytime that you touch your bait or trout lure) you want to make sure that your hands are free from any "human" scents. Why do you want to do this? Because if rainbow trout detect any "human" scents on the bait or lure they are thinking about eating, they are much less apt to try to eat whatever it is. An easy way to make sure that your hands are free from these types of scents is to grab a handful of grass or gravel before touching your bait and rub it into your hands. This effectively "washes" you hands of any human/unnatural scents.

Add these simple tips and tricks to your trout fishing arsenal and you will begin catching rainbow trout virtually anytime that you go fishing, I guarantee it.

This news article is brought to you by MOVIE GOSSIP NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Summertime: Time for Small Shrimp and Big Time Fishin'

Well, it's here again, June came outa nowhere and jumped right up in our laps! Don't ya just hate when that sorta thing happens, but as the sayin' goes, when ya get lemons, ya might as well make Iced Tea, or somethin' like that.

Every time Summer comes along, it seems those big, huge lookin' shrimp take off, so those of us bridge, pier and jetty fishermen, might as well cool our heels til the weather breaks back cooler again and Fall rolls around.

As for the boaters out there, and you know who you are, get ready for the good stuff. The big King are coming inland for their food now. Where ever the pogies are, you know those Kingfish aren't far behind and according to my recollectin', the Pogie schools are coming in closer to the shoreline and the King shadow their every move.

If you can troll or treble hook a live pogie and tie him onto your cleat and throw him, line and all back into the school, it might turn out to be your best chance for catchin' that prize Kingfish, that will in turn be a delectible broiled filet for your evening table and take the other filet to the smoker and turn it in to pure "heaven" on a fork!

Along with the "Big Shrimp" also go the Dolphin, during the doldrums of Summer, Summer is not a favorite time of the year for Dolphin to school. There seemes to be a bad news/good news scnerio going on here, though, that being the bad news, 'cause, the good news is, if you can find the solidary bulls and cows, normally around the reef lines and "blue water lines", they are normally larger and will put up a hell of a fight. Be sure to bring plenty of water along, though, because, they'll bleed like a son of a gun, all over your fighting deck.

Another "good news/bad news" story: the bad news is "hurricane season" brings on some terrible weather to fish in, good news is that after the storms, like Tropical Storm Beryl and such, it churns up the water AND THE BAITFISH pretty good and brings up some wonderful fishing conditions for just about ALL the "Sportfish"!

In the mornings, or early evenings, out on the deeper layers of the flats, or on the edge of the deep channel, redfish are a tasty treat. They usually can be had with using a DOA Shrimp with a Woodie's Rattle Capsule inserted. Using ultra-light tackle on these puppies can give you a thrill of a lifetime, even fighting a smaller redfish, you can feel like your draggin' in a whale.

All in all, there's no such thing as a bad fishin' day, nor a bad fishin' night (speaking of King fishin' at night). What is bad, though, is to not take the time to go out and grab ya' sum' ovem'!

Even with the loss of the larger shrimp, I get excited when we're approaching that lighthouse, fixin' to head east out of Hillsboro Light around 5:30 - 6 a.m., or layin' out in the boat about 11 p.m.-midnight, off the jetties down by the smokestacks of Fort Lauderdale, waiting for my lines to sing that "song of the sea" to me, telling me that a stupendous meal, such as lunch, supper or breakfast won't be far away and with a full stomach I can again lay back and plot my next adventure of our salty prey!

Go get 'um.......

This news article is brought to you by CAR-RENTALS - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Best Walleye Fishing Lures

Pursued for both sport and food and occupying the top spot on the food chain, walleye are aggressive feeders and have a delicate table fare. Because of their popularity in some areas, walleye are heavily stocked in many waters and walleye fishing tournaments are very popular in areas where the fish are found in abundance.

Native to freshwater lakes and larger rivers throughout of much of the Northern United States and most of Canada, walleye are named for the ability of their eyes to reflect light, much like a cat's. This ability allows the fish to live and forage in the deeper waters of lakes as well as hunt effectively at night. Because the fish hunt mostly by sight, walleye are highly susceptible to flashing lures.

Fishing Techniques for Lures
Growing to lengths of 30 inches with wide, gaping mouths, walleye tend to inhale their food. Because of their aggressive feeding behavior, walleye can be taken with most fishing techniques, but the most productive are those that get the bait down to where the fish are holding.

Like most species of fish, walleye love underwater structures, such as ledges and weed beds, where they can lay in wait to ambush their prey. Trolling with spoons and lures are highly productive, as is casting up against underwater shelves and into weed beds.

As walleyes are predominantly sight feeders, during the spring and summer months the best walleye lures are the ones that produce rapid flashing and vibrations as the lure travels through the water. As the lure vibrates in the water it attracts the fish's attention, and the fish will then hone in on the lure using its keen eyesight.

During warmer weather many types of lures, imitating small baitfish, are highly effective for walleye, with the best walleye lures being in the 1/4- to 1/2-ounce weight range. During the warmer months of late-May through August walleye prefer more naturally-colored lures, such as blacks, browns, whites and silvers, and when using jigs the rubber bait should also be one of these colors. Trolling near rocky points with deep-diving lures, such as the Rapala Thunderstick, also works well during the summer months.

During extremely hot weather, when walleyes can become somewhat finicky, a 1/8-ounce jig tipped with a white streamer or worm is often the best choice; dragged slowly across the bottom in an erratic manner a small jig will often provoke lethargic fish into striking. Jigs should be moved slowly at midday and worked with longer motions in the morning and afternoon.

Later in the year, fall walleye fishing is often one of the most productive times as the predator becomes much less selective as forage becomes less available. However, fall walleye fishing requires slightly different techniques than those used during the spring and summer months when many of the weed beds begin to die off.

As the cooling waters signals an end to the bounty of summer the best walleye lures are those that can be easily tossed into the areas around banks the mouths or rivers, where the fish tend to congregate in search of more plentiful food supplies. During this time of year walleye respond best to smaller lures, such as spinners and small floating topwater plugs in the 1/8- to 1/4-ounce range.

In open water barometric pressure usually determines at which depths the walleye will be holding, and as the pressure goes up the deeper the fish will be. Consequently, during periods of low pressure shallower diving lures will return the best results whereas during times of high pressure deep water lures will be most productive.

Lure Selection when Planning a Trip
As not all geographic areas, or all waters within an area, hold walleye, anglers may have to travel long distances to pursue the fish. As such, when planning walleye fishing trips out of their home area anglers should begin their inquires with the state or provincial fish and game departments to determine which waters hold populations of walleyes. The best approach to lure section when planning a trip to unfamiliar waters is to inquire locally, at tackle shops and with local anglers and guides, to see what is currently working on local waters.

When planning walleye fishing trips, anglers should try to time their expedition to the season when walleye feed most actively, during the spring thaw, just after ice out, and the fall months. During these times the fish feed most aggressively, to replenish themselves after a long winter and to fatten up before the water freezes over again.

Lakes in Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin and Illinois, including the great lakes, all hold native populations of walleye, as well as stocked fish, and are all great choices when planning an extended fishing trip.

Lures for Walleye Fishing Tournaments
Walleye tournaments have become so popular in the north that numerous contests are held throughout Canada and the U.S. every year. In areas such as the great lakes, the larger walleye fishing tournaments rival the bass fishing tournaments of the southern U.S., attracting hundreds of anglers from thousands of miles away competing for hundreds of thousands of dollars in prize money.

Two of the larger and more popular tournaments, the Aim Pro Series and the Master Walleye Tournament Series holds walleye tournaments from late May through mid-August and from March through September, respectively. Tournament states include Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota and Colorado. In addition to the tournament's own rules, all state fishing regulations must be obeyed. Most tournaments prohibit the use of live bait, leaving artificial lures as the only choice for tournament anglers.

Northland lures like the Roach Rig and the Rapala Shad Rap are some of the most time-tested lures used by successful pro anglers. However, pro anglers are quick to point out the best lures are the ones the angler has the most faith in, because those are the lures that give an angler the mental toughness to keep fishing through the slow periods.

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Baitbox Fishing Reels at a Glance

Fishing reels as we know today -the cylindrical device that is attached to a fishing rod and used in winding the line, came into picture around 1650 AD in England and by the 1760s, it gained popularity. Today fishing reels come according to specific types of fishing- spinning reels, bait casting, fly fishing, surf casting, and bait feeder reels. Anglers choose a reel that most complements their fishing technique and brings out the best results.

However, unlike other tackle manufacturers, Bait box does not believe in 'entry level' or beginner range. All the reels, no matter what size come packed with quality deserving of fishermen of every 'level'. Most of these so called 'entry level' reels have 1 - 3 bearings and are constructed at minimal cost but are sold in relatively higher price when the quality and performance of the reel is taken into account. Along with the quality, we also make sure the Bait box fishing reels are good looking reels.

But before you are out there shopping for the reels, isn't it better to know what types of reels go together with what particular style of fishing! If you are a pro and just browsing through, you are well aware of it but the ones who are starting off might require some assistance in this regard and hence we would elaborate a little.

Spinning fishing reels are ideal for long distance casting, works well for light lures, a wide range of range of baits and do not backlash. These are open faced reels with fixed spools that do not revolve while you are casting or retrieve. In order to retrieve the line, you have to turn the reel handle. The bail will revolve round the spool and the line is placed evenly onto the spool. For small pan fish with the lightest pound test lines to heavy duty lines for surf casting and trolling- these reels are most recommended.

Fly fishing reels are simple mechanical construction operated by stripping line off the reel with one hand and casting the rod with the other hand. Nowadays fly reels have more sophisticated disc type drag systems. Saltwater fly reels are also specially designed for use in the marine environment. These are however larger in diameter to provide a large line and more backing.

Bait casting are multiplying reels, with the spool mounted above the rod. Stainless steel, aluminum, graphite and synthetic composite are often used as raw materials of these reels. The graphite made reels are lighter but the aluminum reels are most preferred as they are more stable and rigid. Good quality bait casting always come with high quality bearings made from shielded, double shielded or sealed bearings.

Surf cast reels are the ones that run freely on its axle thereby allowing distance casting. It is used for coarse fishing and is most commonly used in Australia for all forms of freshwater and saltwater fishing.

No matter what your style of fishing is, you need a quality fishing tackle and from branded manufactures. The last thing you want is for the reel to give away just when you are about to reel that nice chunky fish! You would not want to be the one to tell the story of the fish that got away.

This article is brought to you by MATCHMAKING.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Why Deep Sea Fishing Is Fun

Deep sea fishing lets you appreciate more the fresh sea foods. You can go to great fishing charters where you can catch mackerel, tuna, shark, and others. This is a great adventure that you can do together with your family and friends.

Catching Mackerel

Most deep sea fishing charters are for catching mackerel. You can book for great fishing ports where you and your group can go and enjoy hooking those fishes. You can spend your time together telling stories while having some fun. After spending a lot of time and you got lots of mackerel, you can then go back to your cottage and cook the fresh ones you caught. Just set up the fire and toast those mackerels. The enjoyment of catching fresh fishes and then cooking and eating them afterwards is really awesome!

Tuna and Shark Fishing

If you want a more challenging fishing, go for bigger ones. You can travel to the fishing charters where tuna and sharks are found.

For your safety, don't go to the cooler waters. This is because there are dangerous sharks that can attack you in those areas. Stay close to the shore where there is warm water and you will be safe.

Sharks and tuna usually go to coastal waters during late summer until fall. Therefore, visit the charters for big fishes during those times and you can have a rich catch. This adventure is more challenging than catching mackerel so be prepared!

When you caught a tuna, it will pull you hardly and you must fight. Don't worry though because the captain will help you to pull the large fish by running the boat against the pulling. The catch can take longer hours and can travel to farther places so the adventure is even better!

Unlike smaller fishes, it is harder to find tuna since they are good in hiding. They often stay in the deep waters and even run opposite your direction. You really have to fight in order to defeat them. There are sport fishers who are great in tuna angling. This is the technique they do in order to trick those intelligent tuna. You can learn the skill too and enjoy catching those big fishes.

You are not allowed to bring home the big fish though, if you caught one. The captain of the boat is the only licensed one, so your catch belongs to him. But if you were able to catch a big fish, you can have a prize like enjoying the charter for the whole day or joining a sport fishing game.

As you can see, deep sea fishing is really a great adventure that you can do. You can talk to your family members, friends, colleagues, or any group you have, and plan for a visit to fishing charters, and enjoy catching fishes. You will surely love the riches of the deep sea and enjoy the fun of catching fishes. The experience is really wonderful and you can brag about it to other people you know. Plan your fishing adventure now!

This article is brought to you by FREE DATING SITE.

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Most Important Aspect of Trout Fishing in High Water

If you are a trout fisherman or woman you know that the spring of the year is a great time to head out and do some fishing for these beautiful fish. After a long winter of little or no fishing most of us can't wait to get out and "wet a line" as soon as the weather begins to improve. Rivers and streams are both great places to target trout, but many times (especially during the springtime) there is one factor that has to be dealt with that isn't an issue during the heart of what many people consider to be "fishing season", and that factor is high water.

Trout fishing in high water conditions presents many challenges to the trout fisherman such as; dangerous wading conditions, an inability to keep get your bait or lure anywhere near the bottom, muddy or stained water, and debris that is floating in the water. While these are all challenges that have to be dealt with when trout fishing in high water conditions, in my experience the most important aspect of fishing in conditions such as this is the ability to feel whatever bait or lure you are using.

If you have any experience at all fishing for trout under any water condition you are well aware of the fact that being able to feel what is going on at the end of your line is of the utmost importance. So how do we help ourselves to feel what is happening at the end of our line when we are trout fishing in high water conditions when being able to "feel" anything becomes much more difficult? The answer might just surprise you because of its simplicity.

The easiest way to gain more feel when it comes to the end of your line during high water conditions is to employ a longer fishing rod. I told you that it was a simple fix. It's amazing the difference that it makes when you are trout fishing in high water conditions to simply use a fishing rod that is a bit longer than you normally would.

Here is exactly what I do when I know that I'm going to be trout fishing in high water conditions. Under normal conditions my 'go to' trout fishing rod in a five foot ultralight action rod that has a Pfleuger ultralight spinning reel attached to it. I also have a six foot six inch ultralight rod that I have for use when I am fishing in high water situations. When the water that I'm going to be fishing is high, I simple remove my reel from the five foot rod and attach it to my six foot six inch rod, and the problem is solved.

So, in conclusion the most important aspect of trout fishing in high water conditions is being able to feel what is going on at the end of your line and the way to solve this problem is simply to employ a fishing rod that is from one to up to three feet longer than you normally would. While the fishing itself will still be more challenging than it is during "normal" water conditions, this simple change provides you with the feel that you need and definitely tips the odds into your favor.

This news article is brought to you by LONG-DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP - where latest news are our top priority.

Offshore Kite Fishing

Kite fishing is a process originating from China and throughout the Asian Continent. It began by onshore fisherman desiring a way to fish where only boats were able to reach before, also, it allowed them to reach fish on the oceanside of the reef. It worked well for accomplishing these two desires of the surf fishers.

Later, the boat fishermen caught on to this process and used it for their own purposes. First they could fish away from their boats, more specifically in shallow reef waters where their boats couldn't go, but the fish on reefs, generally are plentiful because of the excess of baitfish that live off the reef's natural food stuffs.

This has gone on for centuries, with each century came more refinement to the process and also, the process gained notoriety and popularity with more people, worldwide.

In today's world, Offshore Kite Fishing is mainly practiced where saltwater anglers are prone to fishing for billfish, such as Marlin and Sailfish.

These two species, love to hang out at reeflines and the edges of Sawgrass patches or lines and will readily bite on live bait, much sooner than trolling dead bait, such as ballyhoo and mackerel.

These sportfishermen that prefer this sport, normally use live goggleye, hooked through the back with a circle hook and then harnessed (with generally a rubber band or something similar) through the mouth, with the leader that keep them alive the longest. This method of hooking the goggleye, is very quick to do, as well as will allow the bait, the most amount of movement to more easily attrack the billfish.

Once the bait is hooked on, fisherman snap the leader onto anywhere between 30 - 80 lbs. test line (depending on whether it's Marlin or Sailfish they're going after). This fishing line generally is attached to a wide spool, or large volume spool baitcasting reel, which is seated on a chopped off, or custom made short thick rod with no more than one or two eyes.

The mate (or person letting out the line) will start by letting the goggleye go into the water and test how "live" the fish seems to swim. Once assured of the bait's active movement, they will attach the baitline (after putting anywhere between 1-4 twists in the baitline to give more rigidity to the line and not have it pull away from the kite too easily) to the clip or "clothespin" attached to the kite that has been unfolded. Making sure there is sufficient wind to "fly" the kite, the mate tests the kite ability to fly by letting the kite's line and the bait's line out at the same speed.

As long as the two lines go out smoothly and most importantly, the kite is gaining air as it goes out, it will be allright. Finally the mate will holster the short rod's butt, in the gunnel's rod holder.

Once out all the way, the mate and/or captain will keep an eye or an ear tuned to the baitfish and it's surrounding ativity. When they are satisfied all is well, the mate will start doing the same thing to the other side of the boat and end up with "flying" two kites.

As long as you have "active" bait, you will have a good amount of success in landing a billfish, they are heavily attracted to floundering baitfish and if they are around, they will strike! You will soon enjoy the "singing of the baitline" as it "pops" from it's clip's embrace.

This is a fun and invigorating sport, especially if you like to try to land a billfish. There are only a few requirements to set yourself up, get near or on the edge of a reef line, or a Sawgrass patch, set your boat so that the fighting deck is in the path of the wind, bait up your line with a live bait, then let that kite go fly with your bait! With all these conditions met, it shouldn't be long, before you'll need that "Big" gaffe, to board your fish.

Good luck and go get 'em!

This news article is brought to you by WOMEN'S SELF DEFENSE TIPS - where latest news are our top priority.