Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dolpins/Mahi Mahi

Both Sport and Commercial fisherman seek Dolphin fish, due to their beauty, size, food quality, and healthy population. Also known around the globe as Mahi-mahi, they are popular in many restaurants, worldwide.

Commercial fisherman are after them for their appeal to restaurant eaters that ferociously feed on them due to their delectable taste. This fish is not only sought after for it's taste, but also for it's startling beauty and it's ability to fit the menus of most people trying to lose weight.

Sport fisherman go after this species, not only for it's good eating, but also because of their ability to put up a strong and arduous fight. Once you catch one (even a small one), you will know you've been in a battle and after the fishing excursion, desire a competent masseuse.

Where to seek them Out

Charter boat captains most often look for floating debris (ANY floating object, i.e., 4" X 8" sheet of paneling, palm trees and fronds, a couple of floating empty beer cans, ANYTHING!) and frigatebirds near the edge of the reef in about 120 feet of water. Weed Lines (saw/sea grass) also makes a wonderful foraging shelter for Dolphins, they tend to stay just beneath the weed line to hunt for food.

Effective Gear & Techniques

Try to use thirty- to fifty-lbs. gear when trolling for mahi-mahi, or Dolphin.

Fly-fishermen may especially look for frigatebirds to find big fish, and then use a bait-and-switch technique.

Rigged Ballyhoo, or Goggleyes, or a net full of live sardines tossed into the water can drive mahi-mahis to the point of a feeding frenzy. Hookless teaser lures can have the same effect. Once the fish are attacking the food-chum or other bait, the flyfishermen will hook one or two Dolphin and tie them off to a boat cleat. With those fish securely tied on, the other dolphin in the group will continue to feed and be easy prey for the fishermen's bare treble hooks after that.

Just keep on pulling them in 'til they are all done, at last pull in the remaining two "judas dolphins" and ready yourself for some tremendous washing of the boat fighting deck (by this time it will be ankle deep in Dolphin blood, they bleed like stuck hogs).

Their Habitat

Mahi-mahi/Dolphin are usually found in the Caribbean, North and South America's Pacific including Costa Rica, the Gulf of Mexico, Florida's Atlantic Coastline, Southeast Asia, Hawaii and many other places worldwide.

Physical Characteristics

Dolphin/Mahi-mahi have compacted bodies and long dorsal fins that extend almost the entire length of their bodies. Their caudal fins and anal fins are sharply curved inward. They are distinguished by their dazzling colors: golden on the sides, and bright blues and greens on the sides and back.

Adult males have sharply protruding forehead that is the dominant feature that goes well above the body proper. The females have a rounded head and are generally smaller than males, in weight and size.

Generally, Dolphin live 4 to 5 years. Average fish weigh in at 15 to 29 lbs.. They seldom go beyond 33 lb, and mahi-mahi over 40 lbs. are exceptional.

Going on a charter excursion, mostly you would think are taken in order to go in search of Marlin, Sailfish or some other exotic fish, but Dolphin/Mahi Mahi are becoming one of the most popular charters for new fishermen as well as the "new kids" just learning to catch a dream.

The telling of this tale, though, is that they also are gaining in popularity with the non-chartering public. Desiring, typically, some tough fighting and good eating fish these average boat owners, taking their holiday or weekend excursions, and opting more and more to hunt for dolphin, rather than the larger ocean denisons.

They are finding these fish to be the perfect opponent, a worthy adversary for the hungry fisherman with a palette for a tasty morsel of file', broiled, or baked in garlic butter, in their kitchens, or over an open grill!

Go Get 'um!

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Places to Go Bowfishing

Bowfishing is another way to catch a fish. Instead of the traditional fishing rod and reel complete with worms as bait, bowfishers are equipped with bowfishing bows. These are highly specialized bows that require archery skills. The term bowfishing may be new to some people. However, hunting fish using a bow and arrow is not new at all. This method has been used for centuries to gather food. And through the years, the method and equipment have evolved.

The commonly hunted species and are legal for bowfishing include alligator gar, buffalo, carp, paddlefish, rays and sharks. Bowfishing is legal indeed and a good shooting place can be found all over the United States. However, there are rules that need to be followed depending on the country and state especially now that this activity is becoming popular.

A fishing license is required by most of the states, but there are some that require a hunting license. It is essential to inquire first before engaging in any type of activity. The common places that bowfishers visit are as follows:

  • Florida

The state of Florida classifies bowfishing under spearing. This means that bowfishers must follow the rules listed under spearing. Florida has also set specific guidelines for the type of freshwater fish and saltwater fish to be caught and when and how a bow should be used to capture the fish. Lastly, the state also requires a fishing license before engaging in this activity.

  • Mississippi

Good places to go bowfishing in Mississippi include lakes and rivers. If one chooses the lake, good lake spots are Chotard and Eagle Lakes, Lake Ferguson, Lake Lee, Lake Whittington and Moon Lake. Rivers perfect for this activity are Big Black river, Mississippi river, Pascagoula river, Pearl river and Yazoo rivers. The legal species that can be caught by bowfishing bows are bowfin, buffalo, carp and gar. Also, there is a limit of two per day on catching alligator gar.

  • Texas

In Texas, bowfishing activities can be done in coastal waters, large lakes or rivers that are not located within a city or park. For the license, one will need a freshwater license, saltwater license or an all-water license package. However, if one will be catching frogs and turtles, a hunting license is required.

Due to bowfishing popularity, tournaments have been created. Hunters and fishermen not only from the U.S but also in Australia, Canada and New Zealand participate in the tournaments. In addition, there are also bowfishing organizations set up in the U.S. The members meet, share ideas and learn more from each other.

Apart from being a sport, bowfishing can also be a fun outdoor activity for the entire family. Plus, it helps control fish population reducing invasive species. However, make sure that there is self-control and follow the rules set by the states to avoid scarcity

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mississippi Mahi Mahi

Not to be confused with the saltwater marine mammal of the same name, the dolphin fish is absolutely delicious. More correctly referred to as mahi mahi and dorado, but also nicknamed flip-flops, blockheads, and greenies; these offshore fighters are great fun to catch. One of the most distinctive fish in the sea, the dolphin is a good fighter, a colorful trophy, and a great dinner.

The dolphin is found in waters just offshore, frequently hiding under floating marine debris and structure such as oilrigs. Typically they occur in Mississippi waters from summer through fall, or from about June to October. They are usually found close to the surface. Their long torpedo like shape with a characteristically sloped forehead on male dolphin is readily identifiable. Their face, rounded and unique looks closest to the pompano, which is in fact a relative of the dolphin fish.

Dolphin, like most pelagic offshore fish, school up and migrate following warm water baitfish colonies. This leads to good hits on rigged live pogey, mullet, cigar minnows, and other baitfish. Squid is like crack to these guys and many Mississippi anglers have found a hungry on the end of their line to prove it. When using artificial lures, a good bet is large silver Clark spoons. With their tendency to stick close to the surface, working a good strong spinning reel can produce results.

An old trick used by many experienced anglers, is to let the first dolphin of the day swim lazily on a good stringer from the bow. This takes advantage of the schooling nature of the species and will almost surely draw in more. By using this technique, it is rare to come home with just one dolphin.

Leaders with 30-50 pound test are recommended as they are fierce fighters that often break the surface and leap or hop. The fight that a large dolphin will give has been likened to that of wahoo and sailfish and is well worth the price of admission. In fact, the popular name mahi mahi means very strong in Hawaiian

Mississippi dolphin come in usually small at about five pounds but can often be much larger. They are very popular in late summer fishing tournaments with more than a dozen large (over 25-pound) entries landed in most of your larger events like the Billfish Classic. The current all-state Mississippi Official Saltwater Conventional Tackle Record for dolphin is shared by two anglers who both caught fish that came in at 62-pounds flat. The fish were caught in 1981 by D.L. Siegel and in 1985 by Leo Muldoon. The IGFA world record of 87-pounds for a fish caught in Costa Rica has stood for 36-years.

Dolphins are one of the most photogenic fish in the Gulf of Mexico. Their bright colors of blue to green to bright canary yellow are eye-catching and a favorite for maritime artists like Guy Harvey and Marty Wilson. The best way to get good pictures of dolphin is fresh after the catch in natural sunlight with the fish still wet. The longer a fish sits in the cooler the more the colors fade and wash out. Avoid shadows and try to take a fish-forward perspective with the lucky angler behind the dolphin. It may turn out to be the best fish picture you have ever taken.

Easily filleted with nice fresh tasting meat, dolphin fish are superb table fare. I like mine grilled with lemon and butter.

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Fishing By Remote - Wireless Stealth Angling

Fishing while controlling your boat with a wireless remote is the modern way of catching lots of fish when using an electric trolling motor. How cool is that?

Not so long ago it was an impossible dream to be able to move freely about the boat while using both hands for fishing and not being tied to a steering station. If the fish are biting you can now let the GPS pilot take care of the boat while you concentrate on reeling in the little hungry fellows.

The new generation of bow mount electric trolling motors that are available with the Wireless GPS feature, enables you to send your boat to a predetermined spot ie. within a couple of feet of your favourite fishing hole, simply with a push of a button. It is possible to store in its memory up to 6 different tracks covered on previous expeditions.

Electronic Anchor

Another amazing feature of the wireless pilot is its ability to keep your boat almost stationary at any fishing hot spot by acting as an electronic anchor, correcting for wind and current with pinpoint accuracy. No more pulling up a stinking mud covered anchor and rode that seems to love splattering everyone and all the items in the boat. If fishing over a rock bed, then the time wasted trying to release the often fouled anchor can rather be spent fishing. I think that's a good thing.

With the remote you can control your boat speed or change direction without having to put down your rod or move away from your comfortable fishing position. This way you don't lose sight of what you are doing with your bait presentation. No more fumbling about trying to reach for the speed control levers or having to get to the foot control pedal which is surrounded by tackle boxes all which can contribute to making your boat maneuvering look little sloppy.

One Finger Control

If you are in a new location and are just following your nose, by simply pointing the motor head in the direction you want to go and then pushing the autopilot button on your remote, that's where you will be unerringly headed. Along the way it is possible to make big or small corrections to your course using only one finger.

The new remotes have larger LCD screens for greater visibility and are compact and water tight. The push buttons are marked with clear icons and are large enough for those of us who have fat finger syndrome. This helps to prevent pushing the wrong button that can result in putting on an impromptu, boat out of control performance and entertaining the other anglers fishing on the water.


These GPS pilots manufactured for both fresh water and salt water trolling motors, will I believe in years to come make fishing by remote the most reliable method used for stealth fishing.

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Friday, May 25, 2012

More Joy in Bringing Your Catch to the Table With an Electric Fish Scaler

Fishing is a popular pastime, while there are many who prefer the catch and release method, there are those that much prefer to keep their catch and use it for lunch or dinner. In spite of that, there are a few things that you will need to be wary of. For example, you will discover that when you need to clean a fish, it can become very messy. There are two issues that stem directly from cleaning your own fish, of course. For one, you will actually discover that in cleaning your own fish you stand a chance of hurting yourself. You might be great with a knife but let's face it, everyone slips at some point or another. In addition to that, it's just plain messy.

If you know how to clean, then using an electric fish scaler could most certainly be to your advantage. With an electric fish scale the entire process will be virtually automated. Yes, you will still need to make sure you hold the fish properly, but many fish scalers tend to have great safety measures incorporated into the blade. That being the case you will not need to worry about losing your own fingers, and you will not need to worry about the people around you losing their fingers.

Along with providing an amazing level of control, a good electric fish scaler will give you the ability to remove the scales without actually damaging the skin. This is something that most people cannot achieve, even with a specialized knife. While many highly experienced fishing veterans would consider this to be cheating, casual fishermen, and those who have unsteady hands will agree that they simply want their fish to taste good. Also, there is nothing more embarrassing that presenting a fish that looks like it has run through a shredder.

When you choose to buy your fish scaler, you have a number of different options. For example you could opt to purchase from a sporting goods store, but most will go for an online fishing store. There are a few very distinct advantages to buying online, for example an online purchase will give you a number of different options that you might not have had access to otherwise. In addition to that, you will be buying from a specialized store that understands the needs of the experience or aspiring fisherman.

The price of the electric fish scaler can vary, it will depend heavily on the quality. There are some that can cost as little as $30, there are those that can cost up to $1000. Obviously there is a line between commercial grade and consumer grade which you will need to determine for yourself. Keep in mind that some fish scalers are sold without motors, they are usually intended to be replacement components. This often makes fish scalers upgradeable, therefore a very versatile tool.

All in all, an electric fish scaler should be in every fisherman's tackle box whether they are casual, hardcore, or outright competitive. A good online fishing store will have plenty of options and may even be ready to present you with a good warranty when it comes down to it. After all, no matter how rugged these devices are, they will still need to be replaced every now and then!

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Tips For Catching Prize Winning Trout

I have been fishing for the four main species of freshwater trout for over two decades and in that time have caught many "prize winning" trout. The term "prize winning" can mean different things to different people, but some of the prizes that trout fishermen can win would include local fishing contests, tackle shop contests, or prize trout that the angler him or herself consider some sort of personal goal. The point is that more often than not catching a prize winning trout has more to do with skill that blind luck as many less experienced trout fishermen would tend to imagine.

The first key to catching prize winning sized trout is to understand the fact that in almost all cases trout that are large enough to win a prize haven't become that way by accident. There is a reason why they have become something that an angler would consider a prize and they have almost certainly been caught and released multiple times. This means that prize winning trout are weary of things that are "out of the ordinary" whether you are talking about your bait or lure, the diameter of the fishing line that is being used, or the way in which you approach the area that you intend to fish.

The bottom line is that all of the aforementioned factors play a role in whether or not you are successful on the water. Let's start with the bait or trout fishing lures that you are going to use to catch your prize winning trout. You want your bait or trout lure to be as natural as possible, which means that your offering needs to look as much as possible like what the trout that you are fishing for are used to eating everyday.

In most cases this means choosing natural colored lures that mimic the trouts natural prey in the water that you are fishing or rigging any live bait that you are using in natural and realistic manner rather than just "hooking" the bait onto a single hook and calling it good. If you are interested in catching trout of the stature that will win a prize you need to be mindful of tips such as these.

Next we have the diameter of the fishing line that you use when fishing for trout. You always want to keep your line as light as possible. If you use monofilament line this means two two, four, or six pound test. Many successful trout fishermen opt for using fluorocarbon line as its diameter is smaller than monofilament while providing just as much strength, although there are disadvantages to fluorocarbon line such as knots not holding if they aren't tied perfectly.

Finally we have the way in which you approach the water you intend to fish. You see, trout that are the size that will win you any type of "prize" are very aware of their surroundings are are very cognizant of anything that's out of the ordinary. This means that if they notice you approaching they will tend to get "spooked", shut down, and not bite anything until they feel comfortable again. For this reason you always remember to be mindful of the way in which you approach the water that you are going to fish.

Add these simple tips to your trout fishing repertoire sooner rather than later, especially if a prize winning trout is what you are seeking.

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Early Summer Trout Fishing

As the month of June begins many trout fishermen tend to tun their attention to other fish species, but this can be a big mistake. As a person who fishes for rainbow, brook, and cutthroat trout year round, I can tell you from experience that the early summer is not a time of the year to neglect our friends' the trout. Fishing for trout in the early summer months can be quite productive, especially if you don't live in heavily mountainous regions where run-off becomes a problem at this time of the year, rendering many rivers and streams "un-fishable".

Below I will outline a few tips and tricks that you can put into action when trout fishing during the early summer months of June and July so that you experience more success when you head out onto the water. The first challenge that we have to deal with when fishing for trout early in the summer is that water conditions in both lakes and rivers will be higher than the are during the other seasons, and many times the water clarity will be stained to downright muddy. This is due to the fact that it often rains more during the early summer than it does during other months and that snow from higher elevations melts and runs into the rivers and lakes where we fish for trout. The water conditions that we experience during the early summer mean that we have to adjust our trout fishing approach.

The first adjustment that needs to be made is in the length of fishing rod that we employ. Many of us use a five to five and a half foot ultra light rod when fishing for trout, but during the early summer months a ultra light rod that is from six to seven and a half feet should be substituted for our normal five footer. When fishing in heavier currents in rivers having a longer rod will enable you to "feel" what is happening at the end of your line much better and will also make fighting trout in heavy current much easier. When fishing in lakes that are higher than normal the longer rod length makes setting the hook and fighting trout much more efficient and effective.

The next adjustment that needs to be made at this time of year has to do with the colors and scents that you on or as your bait. When water conditions are high and/or muddy as they usually are early in the summer you want to do whatever you can to make your offering "stand out" to the trout that you are attempting to catch. This is true even if you are trout fishing with live bait. Berkley's Powerbait trout attractant is a good example of a product to use when trout fishing in the types of water conditions that I have described. You simply add a few drops to your live bait or trout lure to add an extra level of attractant to your offering which can often make the difference in catching and not catching trout.

And this is the time of the year to use bright and or fluorescent colors when it comes to your trout lures so that they stand out in stained to muddy water conditions. Using spinners or spoons that have wider blades than "normal" can also add the added attractant that is needed to entice hungry trout in these types of water conditions. Add these simple tips and tricks to your early summer trout fishing arsenal sooner rather than later and you will be catching rainbow, cutthroat, and brook trout when other anglers are beginning to concentrate on other species of fish.

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Why Do You Fish?

Why do you fish? What is the motivation behind it? What do you get from it?

These are just some of the questions that we probably never ask ourselves but yet the answers are a part of who we are. Psychologists could have a heyday analyzing why we are willing to subject ourselves to early mornings and late nights, adverse weather and conditions, soggy sandwiches and warm sodas, etc all for a chance to sit in a boat or on a muddy riverbank and MAYBE get a look at a fish or two. Those fish may not even be on our own lines.

I personally have some motivations that get me out fishing. They may be the same things that move you. Personally, I enjoy the chance to do something different, a chance to get away from the everyday routine. Change is good and a day out fishing can change my perspective on work and other responsibilities, sometimes for days before and after the trip.

I enjoy immensely the opportunity to take my kids with me. I recently went on an afternoon trip with some of my younger kids and all I did was bait hooks and net fish while they did all of the catching. It was intensely enjoyable to see their joy and delight with each nibble on their lines.

I have had many excellent conversations with my kids in between catches, conversations about life and love and goals and futures. Many of them were conversations that otherwise might not have happened. This is a big motivator for me to get out and go fishing.

Another reason that I enjoy fishing is for the challenge of it. Fishing really is about knowledge and experience and instinct more than about luck. I am sure that you have seen one guy catch all of the fish when all of the people around him catch nothing. What does he know or do that the others around him don't know and do? Answer that question and you might find more fish in your own cooler. Luck does play a small part but success comes when preparedness meets opportunity.

I enjoy going with other experienced fishermen and learning from their tactics and styles. Everyone has their own way of doing things but yet there is no one "right" way. My fishing knowledge is a combination of things that I have learned from many other people over the years. I enjoy trying new things and demo-ing tactics that seem to work for other people.

I hope that there are some BIG motivators in your life that get you out often to your favorite fishing hole. I hope that you find as much enjoyment in the pursuit as I do.

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The Best Fishing Rod To Use For Trout

I have been fishing for trout for more than twenty years and in that time I have learned that the fishing rod that you use plays a major role in the success that you have when you are fishing for the beautiful fish. Many "rookie" trout fishermen mistakenly believe that the style, length, and name brand of the rod that you employ when fishing for trout doesn't matter much and the truth is that the fishing rod that you use goes a long way towards experiencing sustained success on the water when you are fishing for this multi colored species of fish.

In this article I'm going to list three trout rods that I have used and/or continue to use when fishing for trout. All of these fishing rods pass the test of being truly good fishing rods to use for trout, but which on is the best? That's really hard to say as they all have there good points and picking the one that is the best depends on your favorite style of trout fishing, your budget, and the amount of time that you spend on the water in a given trout season. Just for a point of reference the fishing rods being outlined below range in price from $40 to just over $60, so these trout fishing rods are affordable for any budget.

  1. Cabela's Classic IM6 Spinning Rod - These rods are Cabela's signature series of ultralight spinning rods and are as affordable as any trout fishing rod that you will find anywhere. These fishing rods offer cork handles and stainless steel guides for easy casting. While this is a good rod for the person who is new to the world of trout fishing, more experienced trout fishermen will find this rod to be "average".

  2. Berkley Trout Series - The Berkeley trout series is also a quality trout rod that has been specifically designed for casting and fishing trout dough baits, so if this is your trout fishing style of choice this fishing rod is for you. If you like to fish for trout in the flowing waters of a river or stream, I would not suggest this particular rod choice.

  3. ESP Series Spinning Rods - If you put a gun to my head and made me choose the best fishing rod to use for trout, ESP rods would be it. You see these rods are specifically designed for ultra light fishing and they perform as well as rods that cost twice as much money. The manufacturer uses proprietary technology in the manufacturing process, which makes the ESP series a great fishing rod option for serious trout fishermen. This fact is especially true if you prefer to fish for trout in the flowing waters of a river or stream by casting spinners and spoons or "drifting" live bait.

The bottom line is that the best rod to use for trout doesn't have to break the bank, as long as you know what you are looking for. All of the rods outlined in this article work great for trout fishing and would be a great addition to almost any trout fisherman's arsenal.

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How to Crab

Recreational crabbing is a fun a rewarding sport. It's something you can enjoy by yourself or with others. It's also great for kids and adults of all ages. Not only is it fun to be outdoors crabbing but you also get to go home and put food on the dinner table. With the right tools and techniques you can catch crabs easy and effortlessly while enjoying your time on the water. I've been crabbing ever since I was a young boy and I have learned many tips through the years to help catch more crabs. I want to show you how to crab so you too can bring home a nice catch.

So Captain Pete, show me how to crab. Well there are various methods to catch crabs. I will be discussing two ways to catch blue crabs. You can catch blue crabs from a pier or from a boat. The best methods are to use hand lines, crab traps, and trotlines. In this article I will discuss using hand lines and crab traps. Hand lines and crab traps can be used from a pier or from a boat. A trotline can only be used by boat.

How to Crab Using Hand Lines

If you are crabbing from a pier or boat using handlines, you'll need a ball of string (kite string works or something similar), bait (raw chicken necks), a net with a long handle, a bushel basket or bucket to keep the crabs in, crab tongs, and a measuring device for the crabs to make sure they are the legal size limit. These are enough supplies to get you started. Hand lines are nothing more than a long string with a chicken neck tied to the end of it.

Make sure the string is long enough to get in the water from the pier or boat. You want the bait to reach the bottom (or close to it) without much slack. Once you got your string cut to the length you need, tie a chicken neck to the end of one side. When you're ready to start crabbing, lower the bait in the water. When it gets to the bottom, tie the top part of the string to the pier or boat and wait a few minutes. Then start pulling up the string SLOWLY. If there is a crab on the bait you will feel it moving slightly. Keep pulling up the string SLOWLY until the crab is just under the surface, then put the net under the crab and scoop it up and into your bucket. You can use multiple hand lines at a time to catch more crabs.

How to Crab Using Crab Traps

Crabbing with crab traps is one of the best methods to catch blue crabs, especially if you are crabbing from a boat. Make sure to check with your local laws to see how many traps you can use as a recreational crabber. Bait your traps with chicken necks attached to the center of the bottom grate using a snood or a spring. Make sure the length of your string is long enough to get the crab trap to the bottom. This is important because the trap will not open unless it hits bottom. If you are crabbing from a pier, tie the top part of the string to the pier. Leave some slack (an extra foot or 2 after the trap hits bottom) so the trap doors stay open. If you are crabbing from a boat, tie a buoy to the top part of the string (buoys are sold at tackle shops, or you can use an empty 2 liter bottle sealed shut with the cap). Once you have the correct length, lower the trap into the water and let the buoy float on top. Again, remember to have enough slack in the line so the doors open after it hits bottom.

Leave the trap in the water for a few minutes than QUICKLY pull up the line all the way until the trap comes out of the water. If there is a crab in there, shake or pull the crab out with your tongs, place the crab into your basket then drop the trap back in the water. Traps are different from hand lines. You have to pull them up quick to shut the doors and keep the crab inside. You can use multiple crab traps as long as they are within the amount allowed by law. If you are crabbing from a boat, drop the traps in a line about 2 boat lengths apart then go back and pick them up one by one.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Gear Every Young Fisherman Should Own

The secret to a safe and successful fishing outing for new fishermen is preparation. Acquiring the right equipment and taking certain precautions in the planning stage will help avoid any mishaps.

Before making any purchases, you need to determine what kind of fishing you will be doing. Where will you fish? What kind of fish are in the area you are considering?

Unless you live near an ocean, most fishermen begin with freshwater fishing in lakes, rivers or streams. Saltwater fishing usually requires hardier equipment because the likelihood of catching larger fish is higher in the ocean. That's not to say that larger freshwater fish in deeper lakes or fast-moving rivers won't put up a good fight; but often freshwater fishing does not require the tougher rod, reel and line like saltwater fishing.
When picking out a fishing rod, most beginners will choose a simple casting rod. There are many types of rods available, and you should find one that fits your height and has a comfortable grip.

More important that the rod itself is the reel you choose. Many freshwater fishermen prefer spinning reels because it can give you more control in your cast. However, an inexperienced fisherman might find this reel harder to use because it tends to tangle line easily. Beginners might be more comfortable with a manual push button casting reel where the line is encased inside a plastic mount. The line does not tangle as easily and casting is usually more uniform.

Since rods and reels can quickly become expensive, beginning fisherman might consider buying a rod and reel combination package. For about $50, a beginner can purchase a rod and reel that will suit their needs.

The next decision is the type of line to use for your outing. This depends highly upon the type of fish you expect to catch. Consider the area where you plan to fish.

If you expect to mostly catch pan fish, such as bluegill or perch, and small- or large-mouthed bass, you shouldn't need more than an 8-pound line. If you plan to fish for larger, hardier fish that tend to fight a lot, such as muskie or northern pike, you will want to choose a 10 or 12-pound line or more.

You also will need to acquire bait. For beginners, using live nightcrawlers or plastic worms can prove to be fun on a first outing. Smaller pan fish and bass are attracted to these types of bait and, while you might not catch "the big one," you are more likely to not get skunked your first time out.

Consider buying a pre-made tackle box set as well. They usually include staples like plastic worms, hooks, swivels, bobbers and other bait.

Also, don't forget to check your local Department of Natural Resources' guidelines. Make sure you acquire a license before you make your first cast.

As a last thought, remember that fishing is a sport; just like golf, basketball or baseball. Like any sport, fishing takes practice.

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Fishing Help and Advice - Fly and Carp Fishing Tips

What a great fish carp are to catch as they battle to the last before you can land them. On some occasions it can be minutes before you even get sight of the fish.

There are a ton of things to learn about carp fishing but that makes fun right?

Have you ever heard the phrase, "Test Curve" in relation to s a rod? Well, this is an important factor when selecting a rod. Ask yourself, "how large are the fish I want to catch?" This will dictate the type of rod and the test curve of the rod you choose.

The Rod is a great place to start. I use two rods when I am carp fishing, one on for ledgering and the other with a float and each technique requires a different type of rod.

When I ledger I use a quiver tipped rod. This type of rod has a very thin end that actually quivers when a fish is about to take the bait and fair whips back and forth once it has the bait in its mouth.

When it comes to float fishing you need a completely different tip on your rod. The reason for this is that when the float disappears and the fish tears away you life the rod quickly, we call it The Strike. Now if you had a quiver tip the rod end would just bend when what you really need is the rod to rise snapping the hook in to the carps mouth.

Now we get to the bait and let me tell you anglers all around the World will tell you they have a secret formula known to only them. Tall tails every one of them!

When first starting out stick to there three main baits. They will catch carp just as well. Maggots, wriggly and fussy but that is why the carp love them. They move about in the water. If however, there isn't a bait shop anywhere near you then the second and third baits I recommend will server you just as well. Go to your local supermarket and buy cans of sweetcorn and tins of luncheon meat. Carp love them and the meat stays on your hook length for a number of casts if you do it right.

Don't forget to have a can opener and a knife with you or you'll look a proper newby!

Many sweetcorn cans come with the ring pull and most luncheon meat tins have a key to open them.

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Monday, May 21, 2012

Great Pick Up Lines To Use On Guys

Are you interested in a smart and good looking guy but don't know how to start the conversation with him? Well you can use pickup lines and start the conversation with him as these will work as ice breakers. You can have a good date with the help of good pick up lines. Do not underestimate the value of using chat up lines and make the best possible use of them. You can make the man that you are interested in look at you and get interested in talking to you if you use the pick up lines with confidence and start flirting. Just remember that you have to deliver your chat up lines with the right attitude to get results.

There are various types of pick up lines used by girls on guys like silly lines, cute lines, and romantic lines. You should read his body language to know his personality and see the man's mood before choosing your pickup line. Once you figure out his personality and mood, choose the chat up line accordingly. Obviously if he is into comics and that sort of thing you should use a line that incorporates something to do with comics.

If you are in the office environment and you have seen a smart guy sitting in the canteen in that case you can use chat up lines that are subtle. You can start the conversation along the lines of "do we know each other because you seem to be quite familiar to me", this pick up line will work like an ice breaker so after that you can carry on with a polite conversation with him.

If you are in the college and you like a guy in your college you can use a romantic chat up line so that he takes interest in you, for example "we should get to know each other", this sweet pick up line will make the man you like start taking interest in you and want to talk to you.

Using a pick up line on a guy is a great way to demonstrate your personality, while also demonstrating interest in the guy that you are using it on. But one quick warning: If you are both working together and have to deal with each other everyday, think twice before using a pick up line on him. If it doesn't work well, it can make your working relationship with him incredibly awkward for the following few years!

Online Dating Made Simple - 3 Tips to Simply Using Online Dating Sites to Meet Women

online dating can be a really simple way for a guy who has run out of ideas to meet women to actually connect and interact with single women. You don't even have to be someone who has run out of ideas, you might just prefer using a platform other than the normal bar scene to meet a woman. However, as simple as it may be, a lot of men find that it ends up being harder than they had hoped it would be. Some will even feel that way before they even get started and hopefully, that does not happen to you. If it does, there are things that you can do that will simplify the process of using online dating sites to meet women.

Here are 3 tips that I think you will find makes it a lot easier to meet women on the internet:

1) Don't just opt for one site and one site only.

When you first start out, you may want to try using just one site to get a feel for what you are doing and how to make yourself stand out. However, you might find that the first site that you choose doesn't seem to have the selection that you are looking for, or that the number of women who are available in your area is just too little. If that is the case, then you may want to try a couple of other sites if you can. Kind of like going to one bar and seeing that it is dead and then deciding to make the rounds to a few other bars to see if they are more lively.

2) Do try your best to start conversations with women online.

Using a web based platform to meet women is no magic bullet where you are automatically going to just attract female attention. You are going to have to try and make things happen and that means that you need to be able to start conversations with women and see how it flows from there. Don't worry if you don't get it right on the first few women you try to connect with. There will be more.

3) Don't forget that what you really need to do is to make a woman want to get to know you in person.

It's great that you can use your computer to connect with someone and you can have some fun flirting with a woman online, but if you really want to see some magic in your dating life, then you are going to have to advance off of the computer and meet up face to face. Don't forget that.