Thursday, June 14, 2012

River Trout Fishing Techniques

All species of freshwater trout are found in both lakes and rivers, but to me one of these bodies of water stands out above the other when it comes to fishing for trout and that body of water is the river. Fishing for and catching trout in a river or stream (often referred to as river trout fishing) is as enjoyable as fishing gets for me and there is almost nothing else on the planet that I would rather do. To me fishing for trout in rivers, especially the kind of rivers that can be waded, is an almost a spiritual experience.

Over the past twenty plus years I have engaged in this type of trout fishing in rivers and streams from Pennsylvania to Montana and in that time have learned many tips and tricks that enable me to catch trout virtually every time that I head out onto the river. Below, I will outline a few of my favorite tips an tricks so that you can start using them and experiencing more when you head out onto the river in search of trout as well.

The First Tip is to always make sure that you are on the river at the most productive times of the day. So, how in the world do you determine the best time of the day to be on the river (other than of course the well known rule of the morning and the evening)? Simple, you familiarize yourself with the simple ways in which the moon impacts trout fishing. Specifically, you want to know what phase the moon is in and also what time of the day that the moon rises and sets on the day or days that you intend to go fishing. These factors have an incredible impact on the feeding behavior of trout, so planning your fishing trips to coincide with a full or new moon and the rising and or setting of the moon will help to increase your catch rates dramatically.

The Second Tip is to have an effective way to carry your bait while on the river. Why is this important you ask? Because by having your bait readily available and easily accessible when river trout fishing will save you a ton of time baiting up and re-baiting, which means that you will spend more time with your bait in the in the water where the trout are, rather than out of the water while you look for your bait. Depending on how many hours you put in of the river, this can add an extra forty minutes or more of quality fishing time to your day, which means that you will have more of an opportunity to catch trout.

The Final Tips that I have for you is to fish mindfully, which means that you concentrate on every cast, drift, and/or retrieve with 100% of your attention. Try not to think about what you're going to have for dinner, or what you want to do this weekend, just focus on the task at hand, fishing for trout. The more that you can fish mindfully the more you will learn and the more trout you will catch, it's as simple as that. You will also find that doing this will help you to enjoy the act of fishing that much more as well.

The bottom line is that these simple tips are effective and if you implement them into your fishing routine, you will begin to experience more success whenever you are river trout fishing.

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